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Meet Your Guide

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Miss Brittany

Certified Sound Therapist, Yoga, Breathwork, and Therapeutic Art Guide

Hello beautiful! I am Miss Brittany, the founder of Waves of Honey. This all started with my own healing journey... as a survivor, I have found myself drawn to natural healing practices. My approach to healing includes a combination of guided breathwork, sound healing, and positive affirmations.


My creative holistic offerings include Therapeutic Art, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Card Readings. If you need a positive, energetic, and caring holistic healer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to find out how I can help you restore and revitalize your mind, body, and soul.

There is only one you! Self-care and self-love are unequivocally important to our well-being in life. As a youngster, there was this saying I remember hearing but didn't really understand at the time... "you must first love yourself before you can love anyone else". Through my healing journey I have gained a deep understanding of this short but meaningful phrase. We all have the ability to radiate love to others and when we love ourselves that love shines through in everything we do. It is an honour and a privilege from me to be part of your healing journey to the best you. I look forward to tapping into and sharing the endless love of the Universe with you.



At Waves of Honey, Miss Brittany allows you to take control of your own healing and understand how powerful your mind and body really are.


Through sound, we may find a balance between the mind and body, the conscious and the sub-conscious mind. With a soothing voice, you are guided into a state of deep meditation from which profound inner healing may occur.


Anything that effects the mind also effects the body. Likewise, anything that effects the body also effects the mind. By acknowledging the mind-body connection, deep healing may begin.

What is Sound Meditation?

Meditation alone has many benefits, when paired with the healing frequencies of our Himalayan singing bowls the beneficial effects of meditation are amplified to a new level of self healing. At Waves of Honey a sound meditation includes guided breathwork, guided meditation, professionally played healing hertz from handcrafted Himalayan singing bowls, and an optional lavender scented eye wrap for aromatherapy to deepen relaxation.

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Sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote healing and relaxation. This practice involves the use of specially crafted metal bowls made from a combination of metals, including copper, bronze, and silver. When the bowls are struck or played, they produce a rich and complex sound that is believed to have a healing effect on the body and mind.


One of the primary benefits of sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls is its ability to induce a deep state of relaxation. The sound vibrations produced by the bowls can help to calm the mind and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with chronic stress or have difficulty relaxing.


In addition to promoting relaxation, sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls can also help to improve overall physical and mental health. The vibrations produced by the bowls are believed to stimulate the body's natural healing processes and promote the flow of energy throughout the body. This can help to alleviate physical pain and tension, as well as improve mental clarity and focus.


To enhance the benefits of sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls, our practitioners also incorporate meditation or yoga nidra, and breathwork into their practice. Meditation involves focusing the mind on a particular object or sound, such as the sound of the singing bowls, in order to achieve a state of deep relaxation and mental clarity. Yoga nidra, on the other hand, is a form of guided relaxation that involves lying down in a comfortable position and following a series of instructions designed to help the body and mind relax.


Breathwork is another important component of sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls. By focusing on the breath and using specific breathing techniques, practitioners can further enhance the relaxation and healing benefits of the practice. This can help to improve overall respiratory function and promote feelings of calm and well-being.


Sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls is a powerful practice that can promote relaxation, improve physical and mental health, and enhance overall well-being. When combined with meditation or yoga nidra, and breathwork, this practice can provide a powerful tool for those seeking to reduce stress, improve their health, and deepen their connection to themselves and the world around them.



Sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls and guided meditation can be a powerful tool for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. If you are considering your first sound healing treatment, it is important to know what to expect in order to make the most of the experience.


First and foremost, you should expect a peaceful and calming environment. Sound healing treatments are typically conducted in a quiet, dimly lit room with comfortable seating or mats for participants to lie down on. The practitioner may also use candles, essential oils, or other sensory elements to enhance the overall experience.


During the treatment, you will likely be asked to lie down or sit comfortably while the practitioner plays the singing bowls. The bowls are typically played in a sequence, with each bowl producing a different tone and vibration. As the bowls are played, you may feel a sense of relaxation or a tingling sensation throughout your body.


In addition to the singing bowls, the practitioner may also guide you through a meditation or visualization exercise. This may involve focusing on your breath, visualizing a peaceful scene, or repeating a mantra or affirmation. The goal of the meditation is to help quiet the mind and promote a sense of inner peace and relaxation.


Throughout the treatment, it is important to remain open and receptive to the experience. You may notice physical sensations, such as tingling or warmth, or experience emotional releases, such as crying or laughter. These are all normal reactions to the sound healing and meditation process.


After the treatment, you may feel a sense of calm and relaxation that lasts for several hours or even days. It is important to drink plenty of water and take time to rest and integrate the experience into your daily life.


Your first sound healing treatment with Himalayan singing bowls and guided meditation should be a peaceful and calming experience that promotes relaxation and well-being. By remaining open and receptive to the process, you can make the most of the experience and reap the many benefits of this powerful healing modality.



Meditation and sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls are ancient practices that have been used for centuries to promote physical and mental well-being. These practices are becoming increasingly popular in modern times as people seek alternative approaches to managing stress and improving their overall health. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of meditation and sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls on the physical and mental body.


Physical Benefits:

One of the primary benefits of meditation and sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls is their ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Studies have shown that these practices can lower cortisol levels, which is the hormone associated with stress. This can have a positive impact on overall physical health, as high levels of stress have been linked to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders.


In addition to reducing stress, meditation and sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls can also help to improve immune function. This is because these practices promote a state of deep relaxation, which has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and repair. This, in turn, can help to boost the immune system and improve overall physical health.


Mental Benefits:

Meditation and sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls can also have a positive impact on mental health. These practices have been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve overall mood and well-being. This is because they promote a state of calm and relaxation, which can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.


In addition to reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, meditation and sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls can also improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that these practices can increase gray matter in the brain, which is responsible for processing information and regulating emotions. This can lead to improved memory, focus, and overall cognitive function.


Here at Waves of Honey, we recognize that meditation and sound healing with Himalayan singing bowls are powerful practices that can have a positive impact on both the physical and mental body. These practices promote relaxation, reduce stress, improve immune function, and enhance cognitive function. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can improve your overall health and well-being and experience the many benefits of these ancient healing modalities.

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